Our Aims and Objectives:

  1. Advancing public awareness
  2. Promoting prevention and health protection
  3. Motivating people to be correctly informed
  4. Raise awareness on understanding
  5. Campaigning for a Responsible Health Care System
  6. Raising a knowledgeable united global human family

1. Advancing public awareness

Advancing public awareness by providing only scrutinized, unbiased, correct peer-reviewed information on subjects which are determinants of health, such as individually suitable nutrition, life style, environment, social and health care system.

2. Promoting prevention and health protection

Promoting prevention and health protection which is better than catching diseases and then running seek a cure. Many respected Scientists Say75% of common diseases that modern humans are suffering from, for example type 2 diabetes, are avoidable.

3. Motivating people to be correctly informed

Making practical approach for a tangible achievement in raising motivation of people to remain correctly informed on nutrition and on other factors which impact human health.
The main objective is to encourage all people to become their own health Guru enabling them to take self-care of health and remain focused on Prevention.
For a healthy conception to healthy birth to optimal growth to slowing down aging, for staying away from diseases and morbidities we will need to raise our Buddhi … the only way, and the key secret, for health and a real quality of life.

Buddhi is a word of the Indian ancient Pali language which is herein defined as the constant pursuit for raising knowledge, alertness and skeptical thinking; for increasing analytical power, to explore, further improve and control the cognitive ability of mind to avoid preconceived ideas and to perceive things as they are; to gain wisdom for understanding correctly, making wise decision, and timely action.

4. Raise awareness on understanding

Raise awareness on understanding the necessity to grant every human the right to be born in perfect health and live in the best of health. Children born with congenital birth diseases due to wrong eating and life style of parents needs to be urgently addressed.

Human health planning should begin before human comes into existence in the mothers’ womb. Couples desiring to become parents must be mandated to learn and correct their life style at least a year before conception.

The most suitable time to educate on correct eating and life style will be during schooling time of children.

This will be the correct strategy to reduce diseases and improve quality of life. This early prevention intervention will be also exponential in helping save money of the individual and Governments, thus, also helping to reducing global poverty, and increasing prosperity.

5. Campaigning for a Responsible Health Care System

The present Health care system is concentrated only on curing diseases and providing palliative care.

Physicians and allied health professionals must practice correct lifestyle coaching and collectively champion disease prevention.

The Health industry, the medical community, the public and law makers have to become responsible for protection of health, and not only for curing diseases, exactly as police are responsible for crime prevention and detection.

6. Raising a knowledgeable united global human family

Supporting efforts help raising a knowledgeable united global human family to transform the present death marketing and death management civilization into health, prosperity, and peace- promoting. This agenda will include the following:

  1. Promoting awareness on the urgent realization that in the name of nations we are divided. We will need to understand that we are only one nation and that is only United Global Human Family. Only then will disarmament be possible and the Military can be transformed into a regional and global United Human Peace-keeping Force.
    In the name of nation we are free to manufacture and sell WMD (weapon of mass destruction which includes nuclear weapon, guns, chemicals and biological agents). Human division as nation begets excess selfishness which is the root cause of:

    • Global poverty,
    • Death and destruction due to wars and conflicts
    • Health Problems and morbidities heaped onto mankind by polluted environments and by Industries competing to sell disease curing products and devices, and convenient, nutrient poor, fiber-missing, calorie laden highly processed junk food and fluid.
      The proliferation and aggressive marketing of such products have forced and mislead people into living an unhealthy life style.
      As a result diseases such as obesity have become a pandemic; the occurrences rate of diseases has increased, thus we are presently a disease catching and disease curing society. Because of the enormous advances in Medicine and Healthcare we do live longer but - because of lifestyles often forced upon us by our environment and society - with increased suffering and increasing morbidity.
  2. Motivating people to quit smoking and to campaign for making Smoke free world. Tobacco industries can be encouraged and supported to plan stop manufacturing tobacco and shifting to manufacturing other non-health hostile products.
    (First hand, second hand and third hand smoking is a well-documented health hazard. Millions of people will die every year due to smoking related illness.)

  3. Help understand that the main objective of every religion is to reduce sufferings of mankind and enable humans to live in peace and harmony.

"To have knowledge without understanding is to wander in a desert of ignorance"

Photo: Jody MacDonald

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